A 50-year legacy of the original recipe
The best ingredients freshly cooked and delivered straight to our customers for the finest taste
The original Yen Ta Fo Ba-teng Noodle restaurant near the Giant Swing has been around for over 50 years to offer signature Yentafo dish full of the best ingredients; sweet and savoury Ba-teng, naturally tender fish balls, freshly fried shrimp balls,– all can be eaten as appetizers or with Yentafo noodle, Naiuan crispy wonton, hue-kuay, squids, pork blood, morning glory topped with our signature yentafo sauce- all combined to create a textured bite and flavorful ecstasy that can never be tasted anywhere else.

The third generation
The original 50-year-old Yen Ta Fo Ba-teng Noodle restaurant by the Giant Swing now has 6 branches which are operated by the third generation and guaranteed the best original flavor and newly created dish to offer a contemporary variety.

The restaurant was first opened by our grandfather ‘A-Gong’, or the original ‘Naiuan’ with the first dish on the menu – Noodle with fish balls in yentafo soup. The ingredients were fewer back then.

The second generation ‘Khun Lok – Pornchai’ inherited the ‘Naiuan’ legacy. The restaurant became no.1 in the Sao Chingcha (the Giant Swong) district.

Rebranded with ‘Ba-teng’ – the signature delicay as part of the name. The menu has become more varied.

Today – the third generation ‘Naiuan Jr.’
Naiuan ‘Ba-teng’ Yentafo by the Giant Swing becomes widely known guaranteed by many awards and accolades and is constantly expanding.

Today – the third generation ‘Naiuan Jr.’
Naiuan ‘Ba-teng’ Yentafo by the Giant Swing becomes widely known guaranteed by many awards and accolades and is constantly expanding.
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Awards and Accolades